Monday, February 1, 2010

Bulldog Remote Vehicle Alarm System Best Quality

Installation was real easy, only one wire to attach to the battery, with an aligator clip and a couple of bolts to screw into the body of the car. Only had one problem! Went out of town for the day, a neighbor called me on my cell phone saying the alarm was going off and he wasn't able to stop it. I had put the remote near the vehicle just in case I wasn't home. He tried to disarm using the remote but it wouldn't work no mater what he did, so the alarm didn't stop sounding. I was afraid if the police would be called. After a couple of hours my neighbor hit the hood of the car real hard then the alarm finally went off. Now I am affraid to turn the alarm on because I don't want to disturb the neighbors again.Get more detail about Bulldog Remote Vehicle Alarm System.

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