Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where To Buy Wholesale WRAP Steering Wheel Lock and Cover.

OK, I bought his lock for a 700 mile trip carrying some VERY valuable items on board. Just stopping for gas could result in a car jack or other adventure. At both stops, I fitted the Wrap and locked the doors. It performed exactly as advertised, with the alarm lights flashing. Just the slight movement in washing the windshield caused the alarm to sound. The Wrap was an exact fit on my steering wheel with no slippage possible. No one could possibly drive my car with the thing on. I felt most secure on this trip and would recommend the Wrap to anyone with a need for serious protection. I will not use it daily because it is very bulky and storing it in the cabin is impractical. Still, if I need it, I will use it.Get more detail about Wholesale WRAP Steering Wheel Lock and Cover..

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