Saturday, August 7, 2010

The UNBREAKABLE AutoLock X Review

The UNBREAKABLE AutoLock X Review
I have a 1994 Honda Accord and it was the #1 stolen car in 2008. I picked this up instead of the club because this product actually works . The Club can be easily defeated but this product actually makes it impossible to get your car out of park and locks the break pedal. You cant drive a car very far with no break. I also like the steering wheel cover that came with the device as it is a clear warning to someone who even thinks about breaking into your car. I tried to get this device off and twist it around and I could not operate my car or get the gear out of park. Yes, I know I know, anything can be defeated but this device would take too long and you would have to cut the break pedal which is made of thick reinforced steel which would take some time. If you are looking for a anti theft device I would recommend this product. The Red Autolock Pro is the exact same as this model except it has the X has the chrome finish.
Park the car at an Office Function an attempt was made to steal it. Suffered only a broken side mirror. Thanks Guys.
Read more about The UNBREAKABLE AutoLock X Review...

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